Friday 10 November 2017

Are Cosmetics the Secret to Looking Younger ?

There’s a lot of confusion about whether makeup makes us look older or younger, and often the conventional wisdom of makeup tends to contradict itself. For example: did you pile on the eyeshadow as a teenager, hoping not to get carded? Or, do you think that a woman of “a certain age” shouldn’t wear dark lipstick because it’s too harsh?
Psychology professor Richard Russell and CERIES (an independent research foundation established by Chanel in 1991) published a study in March of this year assessing 289 faces ranging from 20 to 70 years old. According to the study, redness of the lips, definition of the eye, and the luminance contrast between the brows and forehead are all subconscious cues for assessing a person’s age. They found that the color and depth of eyebrows, eyes, and lips contrasted less and less with the surrounding skin as age increased. In other words, as age increased, contrast decreased. And contrast, it turns out, is important in visually determining how we age.

What does this mean for you, besides that you should turn up the “contrast” feature in Photoshop before uploading pics to Facebook? It means that you can use these four subtle makeup tricks to your advantage. Here's how
Fill in the brows :

Well-groomed and shaped brows will keep your face looking youthful and polished. We love Anastasia’s Brow Wiz for its user-friendly superfine tip; here we used it in Brunette. Fill in brows with light, feathery strokes in the direction of hair growth, and use the spoolie on the end to soften harsh edges and brush hairs into place. We also used a highlighter (such as Too Faced Absolutely Invisible in Candlelight) along the brow line to create more contrast between the skin and the brow.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


Turkey Day is finally here! 
If you’re anything like me, your time is pretty strapped today. Between making your contribution to the meal, getting the kids all dressed and ready, packing the car, and driving to the big event – you’ve got a pretty packed day! Also if you’re like me then you’re planning on consuming a little more food today than your otherwise-pretty-tight diet really allows for! That being said, today I wanted to share one of my favorite quick indoorworkouts that’s sure to shred calories and leave you a sweaty mess as a pre-emptive Thanksgiving strike! Here we go!

                                                    Warm up

Take a few laps up and down the stairs; some high-knees marching in place and some arm circles are also good). Something to get the blood flowing!

 The Workout

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Detox your liver to lose belly fat.

As long as one of the functions of your liver, among others, is to produce bile, which somehow controls your weight, because it breaks down fat, it is important to cleanse your liver if you want to be healthy, but also in order to lose weight.
  • How do you do this??
There are natural ways of cleansing your liver: foods and herbal supplements.
  • citruses such as lemons, limes and grapefruits help the cleansing of the liver because their high content of vitamin C; they also produce enzymes that aid to the elimination of toxins;
  • vegetables are also recommended: either you choose to consume garlic, leafy green vegetables, or cruciferous vegetables, you make a good choice for your health; they activate enzymes necessary to the liver in the process of eliminating toxins;
  • the well-known antioxidant properties of the green tea are also very beneficial for the health of (not only) your liver, because they improve its function
Herbal supplements:

Sunday 24 September 2017

Arm workout for slimmer arms in 6 weeks

Upright Row Step II

Raise your upper arms, leading with your elbows while bringing the weights up the front of your body as if you were tracing an imaginary midpoint, stopping when your elbows become level with your shoulders. Lower the weights back to the starting position.
tip: Keep your chin up and your belly button tucked in.

Chest Press on Ball Step I
Primary muscles worked: chest, front of shoulders, triceps. Sit on a ball and walk out so that your head and shoulder blades are resting on the ball. Lift your hips by contracting your glute muscles to make a bridge. (Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and below your knees to give you stable support.)

Chest Press on Ball Step II
Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders. Then extend your arms over your chest and bring the dumbbells together to make a triangle over your chest. Lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat.
tip: You will need to engage your core throughout the exercise to avoid falling off the ball.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Homemade Coconut Oil Lime Shaving Cream

There are many reasons to consider a homemade holiday this year. For one, its frugal. Making gifts is a great way to save money. Another reason is to get closer to the people that matter. Making gifts is a great way to spend quality time with family members or friends having fun and getting crafty. Lastly, homemade gifts from the heart are certainly a lot more memorable than hastily bought store goods.

Go ahead, give it a try. This homemade shaving cream is so good your man will probably end up sneaking a little bit for himself!

1 cup coconut oil
¼ cup almond oil
1 cup Shea butter
10-12 drops lime essential oil
10-12 drops coconut essential oil


1. Melt the coconut oil and Shea butter in a sauce pan over medium heat, stirring frequently until fully melted.

2. Remove from heat, stir in almond oil and allow to cool.

3. Once the pot is mostly cool (you can touch it) place it in fridge for about 20 minutes to firm up.


Monday 4 September 2017

This Miracle Hair Mask Made My Hair Grow in 7 Days

So before we get into this, you’ll need to understand WHY this mask actually works. One of the main ingredients are bananas. Bananas are high in vitamins and minerals, infusing the hair shaft with natural oils and making it stronger. Basically it treats and prevents breakage. Honey contains vitamins E, K, C, B1, B2, and B6, which are super beneficial for your scalp as well as the hair cuticle. These 2 ingredients combined, along with the other ingredients, form a “super bond” that when combined, infuses your hair with a TON of vitamins and minerals which make your hair super strong, prompts quick growth, softens, and cures split ends.

You 'll need:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp honey

  • 1/2 cup black beer      

    The Drill:
    1     Place all of the above ingredients in a blender and blend well.
    2     Apply the mixture over your entire head, concentrating at the roots and ends. Make sure to put a towel around you so it doesn’t stain.
    3     Leave the mask on for 1-2 hours. If you want, you can even put a shower cap on, and leave it overnight.   

    Saturday 2 September 2017

    How To Build A Stronger Immune System Without Drugs

    If you speak to any doctor, they will tell you that the concept of ‘boosting your immune system’ is misleading and makes little to no sense. ‘Boosting’ the amount of immune cells in our body would actually be dangerous and little is known about the optimum formulation of the number and type of cells which make up our immune system.

    Maintain A Healthy Weight: It is well documented that being either under or overweight can lead to health problems.

    Regular Exercise: You should be aiming to be as active as you can be, not just by jogging once a week, but by minimizing the amount of time you spend sedentary and by regularly engaging in both leisurely exercise and more intense exercise.

    A Healthy Diet: It is a well-known fact that diet plays a major role in how the body fights infection. A diet which consists of too many processed foods, unhealthy fats and sugars leads to poor health, simple as that. Being deficient in the minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, will reduce your body’s ability to repair, grow and defend itself which can lead to feelings of lethargy and mood swings.


    Friday 1 September 2017

    Coconut Oil Hair Growth Treatment

    Since my hair was tragically chopped off without warning in March I’ve been looking high and low for ways to quickly grow my hair back out. For my blonde girls out there you know how hard it can be to get your hair to grow as we’re constantly damaging it with bleach, color, etc. Aside from consistently getting trims, which I completely hate, conditioning treatments are essential.

    This coconut oil/egg conditioning treatment is amazing if you’re trying to grow your hair out or your hair is desperately needing some moisture. Coconut oil will condition your hair, smoothing out frizz and adding moisture to dry hair and the egg contains tons of protein and vitamin D to promote hair growth.
    Whip up this quick conditioning treatment once a week and there will be significant growth and smoothness to your beautiful locks.
    3 EGGS


    Scalp Detox for Healthy hair

    Scalp detox treatment includes a mask and a scalp massage that helps to exfoliate the scalp, remove any build up to let your scalp breath. The mask helps to detoxify the hair follicles, roots, oil glands and scalp.

    For a detox mask, you will need:

    1 teaspoon of baking soda
    2 tablespoons of olive oil
    1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder


    Use a generous amount of the mask on your scalp
    Using your finger tips massage your scalp in gentle circular motion.
    Wrap a shower cap around your hair such that it covers your scalp and hair completely.
    Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes.
    Shampoo and condition as usual

    Thursday 31 August 2017

    The No Squats Belly, Butt, and Thighs Workout

    Wall Bridge :
    Lie on your back with your butt against the wall and arms at your sides. Bend your knees and plant your feet 3 to 4 feet up the wall. Raise your lower and middle back off floor, keeping your shoulder blades on the ground. Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.


    Cross your right ankle over your left knee so that only your left foot is on wall. 


    Wednesday 30 August 2017

    30 Minute Indoor No Equipment Cardio Workout

    No excuses allowed today. Calories are waiting for you to burn them away with this 30 minute indoor no equipment cardio workout. Great for when traveling and you don’t want to go to the hotel fitness room or for those rainy cold days outside. If you are like me, I prefer to do my workouts at home. Taking the time to go to the local gym takes too much time and it would be too easy for me to procrastinate and end up not going. Working out at home takes away another excuse not to workout.

    This 30 minute indoor no equipment cardio workout is a good compliment to strength training. 

    Sunday 27 August 2017

    How To Successfully Lose Face Fat To Appear Slimmer

    Our face and neck are not immune to carry excess fat. However, the good news is that with proper exercise you can lose face fat effectively. Given below are some facial exercises that help tone down skin around your face enhancing its appearance.

    Saturday 26 August 2017

    Apple Cider Vinegar To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

    Skin tags are those fleshy little bubble extensions on your skin, which are medically known as ‘acrochorda’. These little skin growths are usually a sign of diabetes, on a more serious level. But they can also occur among those who are obese or overweight. On a less severe note, it can also occur as a result of friction or rubbing. The areas where they usually occur are on face, neck, armpits, chest and around the groin.

    Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Benefits
    ACV has a series of healing superpowers thanks to its beta-carotene content and anti-fungal properties for your skin. This stunning go-to tabletop remedy also acts as an active ingredient for not just removing skin tags, but also…
    Skin regeneration or creation
    Delaying the aging of skin cells
    Pimples and acne
    2 tbsps of apple cider vinegar
    1 cotton ball


    Friday 25 August 2017

    Home Remedies For Sagging Breasts

    Practice the right yoga postures for a period of time. Massage breasts with olive oil. Consume carrot/fennel/lemongrass or spearmint oil regularly. Grind cucumber, egg yolk and butter into a mixture, apply, let dry for 15-20 mins and wash off. Make a paste of mustard and pomegranate peel, massage in circular motion for 5-10 mins before bedtime.

    How To Prevent Sagging of Breasts?
    Breast sagging is a natural process that happens with age wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity. Breasts do not have muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissues and milk-producing glands, and they need proper care to keep them in good shape.

    Thursday 24 August 2017

    Facial mask with Botox effect. Cheap and easy to make

    Lack of sleep, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and antioxidants deficiency- all lead to wrinkles. However, there is a natural solution which can restore skin youth. We all know that the weapons against aging can be expensive and some of them painful.

    Today we offer you an anti aging  facial mask that can be easily made at home,  with natural ingredients that you can find in any store. Cornstarch facial mask can successfully replace those painful Botox injections. The effect is immediate.
    To prepare such a mask you need:
    –   1 tablespoon cornstarch
    –  5 tablespoons of carrot juice
    –  1 tablespoon yogurt
    –   water
    Start by mixing a spoon of starch with half a glass of cold water.

    Tuesday 22 August 2017

    Get rid of wrinkles around the mouth

    The wrinkles around your eyes get a lot of attention and treatments, but your mouth area is just as prone to wrinkles. They pop up after 30 and they are very discreet at first, then they suddenly turn into large ditches.
    Persons who smoke, expose themselves to sun without proper UV cream protection and those who have dry skin are more sensitive to develop wrinkles around the mouth.

    The good news is you can prevent and treat wrinkles around the mouth with this simple, home-made mask.
    • 750 ml olive oil
    • 200 gr beeswax
    • fresh marigold flowers

    The World’s Gone Mad For The Swedish Diet! Here’s The Plan!

    The world’s gone mad for the Swedish diet that shows results very fast and it’s very easy to handle. This diet includes a reduced intake of carbohydrates, and it is mostly focused on taking fats and proteins.

    The Swedish diet divides the foods that you need to eat into 3 main groups:
    Approved foods:

    -All types of meat

    - All kinds of fish and crabs

    - Eggs cooked in every way

    -Vegetables that grow above ground (cabbage, kale, broccoli, zucchini, olives, tomato, spinach, mushrooms, lettuce, avocado, peppers)

    Monday 21 August 2017

    Swallow This, Fall Asleep Almost Instantly, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed

    Do you have troubles sleeping and wake up in the middle of the night?It makes you feel awful if it occurs night after night and also, it is not good for you.Fortunately, there are three ingredients you can use to prepare this “magic mixture” and set your way to a good night’s sleep.

    Needed ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
    • ¼ teaspoon of raw honey
    • 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
    These three ingredients help your body be sustained throughout the night. The mixture also lowers the impact of spikes in stress hormones or cortisol, which can make you wake up in the middle of the night.
    How to prepare and use the mixture?

    Sunday 20 August 2017


    Say goodbye to the unpleasant blackheads by clearing your skin with this simple homemade mask. It is easy to prepare, by using ingredients present in your own personal kitchen.
    ou don’t need anymore those special bands for extracting blackheads because you can clean your skin with a simple homemade mask. This mask is great!! I tried it many times and I still prepare it at least two times in a month. I will definitely prepare it these days, to start the new year with my nose clean an beautiful. You need only two ingredients:

    Wednesday 16 August 2017


    Nowadays, probably the most popular topic among all women in the world is how to lose weight fast and stay in shape.There are millions of diet plans and weight loss methods online and they all promise you can lose weight fast, lose weight in just 1 week, etc.

    But, what these diet plans will do is that you will only lose weight and regain it back in several days. You can lose weight by eating healthy food, doing physical activities every day and the most important thing is to drink this miraculous and amazing drink we’re presenting you today!

    This drink is already famous and used by numerous women in the world.
    You will need:
    8 glasses of water
    1 teaspoon of grated ginger root
    1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into slices
    1 medium-sized lemon cut into slices
    12 fresh mint leaves and 1 teaspoon of dried mint


    How to Get Rid of Love Handles in Only 3 Weeks

    Waist fat is not only unsightly, but it also gives us a great psychological discomfort and presents a risk to our health. As you have more fat in the waist area, the risks of developing heart disease or diabetes are also higher.
    Some people store excess fat on the waist because of cortisol, a hormone that increases every time the stress is installed.

    Say goodbye to sweets:
    Everyone knows that sweets fatten, so you should not wonder why you have a thick waist if you eat sweets. Whether they are made at home, whether they are purchased from the bakeries, cakes “help” you gain weight. Same happens with candy, chocolate (except the black), creamy ice cream, biscuits. How to satisfy your sweets need? Simply: by eating fruits.
    Eat more salads and healthy fats:
    When you prepare a salad, get used to add some flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds or walnuts. These foods contain healthy fats that give you energy and maintain good bowel movements. Also, the salad will be transformed into a nourishing one and you will not feel the need to eat again for a long period of time.

    Monday 14 August 2017

    How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally In Just 7 Days

    As you age and laugh, cry and enjoy life altogether your face is going to preserve each of your precious moments in the form of a wrinkle. They say wrinkles are a trademark of happy people, but even, so, you want to get rid of them.

    Your very own, 100% natural cream – homemade! In only 7 days your face will be wrinkle free!
    Benefits of the home-made wrinkle cream
    • It’s easy to prepare
    • All the ingredients are cheap and you already have them in your kitchen
    • The cream is moisturising, removing wrinkles by hydrating the skin, not stuffing it with chemicals
    • The cream can be used on any type of skin
    • It will give you long term benefits, but you will notice the difference in just 7 days