Wednesday 16 August 2017

How to Get Rid of Love Handles in Only 3 Weeks

Waist fat is not only unsightly, but it also gives us a great psychological discomfort and presents a risk to our health. As you have more fat in the waist area, the risks of developing heart disease or diabetes are also higher.
Some people store excess fat on the waist because of cortisol, a hormone that increases every time the stress is installed.

Say goodbye to sweets:
Everyone knows that sweets fatten, so you should not wonder why you have a thick waist if you eat sweets. Whether they are made at home, whether they are purchased from the bakeries, cakes “help” you gain weight. Same happens with candy, chocolate (except the black), creamy ice cream, biscuits. How to satisfy your sweets need? Simply: by eating fruits.
Eat more salads and healthy fats:
When you prepare a salad, get used to add some flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds or walnuts. These foods contain healthy fats that give you energy and maintain good bowel movements. Also, the salad will be transformed into a nourishing one and you will not feel the need to eat again for a long period of time.

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