Thursday 31 August 2017

The No Squats Belly, Butt, and Thighs Workout

Wall Bridge :
Lie on your back with your butt against the wall and arms at your sides. Bend your knees and plant your feet 3 to 4 feet up the wall. Raise your lower and middle back off floor, keeping your shoulder blades on the ground. Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.


Cross your right ankle over your left knee so that only your left foot is on wall. 


Wednesday 30 August 2017

30 Minute Indoor No Equipment Cardio Workout

No excuses allowed today. Calories are waiting for you to burn them away with this 30 minute indoor no equipment cardio workout. Great for when traveling and you don’t want to go to the hotel fitness room or for those rainy cold days outside. If you are like me, I prefer to do my workouts at home. Taking the time to go to the local gym takes too much time and it would be too easy for me to procrastinate and end up not going. Working out at home takes away another excuse not to workout.

This 30 minute indoor no equipment cardio workout is a good compliment to strength training. 

Sunday 27 August 2017

How To Successfully Lose Face Fat To Appear Slimmer

Our face and neck are not immune to carry excess fat. However, the good news is that with proper exercise you can lose face fat effectively. Given below are some facial exercises that help tone down skin around your face enhancing its appearance.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Apple Cider Vinegar To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

Skin tags are those fleshy little bubble extensions on your skin, which are medically known as ‘acrochorda’. These little skin growths are usually a sign of diabetes, on a more serious level. But they can also occur among those who are obese or overweight. On a less severe note, it can also occur as a result of friction or rubbing. The areas where they usually occur are on face, neck, armpits, chest and around the groin.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Benefits
ACV has a series of healing superpowers thanks to its beta-carotene content and anti-fungal properties for your skin. This stunning go-to tabletop remedy also acts as an active ingredient for not just removing skin tags, but also…
Skin regeneration or creation
Delaying the aging of skin cells
Pimples and acne
2 tbsps of apple cider vinegar
1 cotton ball


Friday 25 August 2017

Home Remedies For Sagging Breasts

Practice the right yoga postures for a period of time. Massage breasts with olive oil. Consume carrot/fennel/lemongrass or spearmint oil regularly. Grind cucumber, egg yolk and butter into a mixture, apply, let dry for 15-20 mins and wash off. Make a paste of mustard and pomegranate peel, massage in circular motion for 5-10 mins before bedtime.

How To Prevent Sagging of Breasts?
Breast sagging is a natural process that happens with age wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity. Breasts do not have muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissues and milk-producing glands, and they need proper care to keep them in good shape.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Facial mask with Botox effect. Cheap and easy to make

Lack of sleep, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and antioxidants deficiency- all lead to wrinkles. However, there is a natural solution which can restore skin youth. We all know that the weapons against aging can be expensive and some of them painful.

Today we offer you an anti aging  facial mask that can be easily made at home,  with natural ingredients that you can find in any store. Cornstarch facial mask can successfully replace those painful Botox injections. The effect is immediate.
To prepare such a mask you need:
–   1 tablespoon cornstarch
–  5 tablespoons of carrot juice
–  1 tablespoon yogurt
–   water
Start by mixing a spoon of starch with half a glass of cold water.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Get rid of wrinkles around the mouth

The wrinkles around your eyes get a lot of attention and treatments, but your mouth area is just as prone to wrinkles. They pop up after 30 and they are very discreet at first, then they suddenly turn into large ditches.
Persons who smoke, expose themselves to sun without proper UV cream protection and those who have dry skin are more sensitive to develop wrinkles around the mouth.

The good news is you can prevent and treat wrinkles around the mouth with this simple, home-made mask.
  • 750 ml olive oil
  • 200 gr beeswax
  • fresh marigold flowers

The World’s Gone Mad For The Swedish Diet! Here’s The Plan!

The world’s gone mad for the Swedish diet that shows results very fast and it’s very easy to handle. This diet includes a reduced intake of carbohydrates, and it is mostly focused on taking fats and proteins.

The Swedish diet divides the foods that you need to eat into 3 main groups:
Approved foods:

-All types of meat

- All kinds of fish and crabs

- Eggs cooked in every way

-Vegetables that grow above ground (cabbage, kale, broccoli, zucchini, olives, tomato, spinach, mushrooms, lettuce, avocado, peppers)

Monday 21 August 2017

Swallow This, Fall Asleep Almost Instantly, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed

Do you have troubles sleeping and wake up in the middle of the night?It makes you feel awful if it occurs night after night and also, it is not good for you.Fortunately, there are three ingredients you can use to prepare this “magic mixture” and set your way to a good night’s sleep.

Needed ingredients:
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of raw honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
These three ingredients help your body be sustained throughout the night. The mixture also lowers the impact of spikes in stress hormones or cortisol, which can make you wake up in the middle of the night.
How to prepare and use the mixture?

Sunday 20 August 2017


Say goodbye to the unpleasant blackheads by clearing your skin with this simple homemade mask. It is easy to prepare, by using ingredients present in your own personal kitchen.
ou don’t need anymore those special bands for extracting blackheads because you can clean your skin with a simple homemade mask. This mask is great!! I tried it many times and I still prepare it at least two times in a month. I will definitely prepare it these days, to start the new year with my nose clean an beautiful. You need only two ingredients:

Wednesday 16 August 2017


Nowadays, probably the most popular topic among all women in the world is how to lose weight fast and stay in shape.There are millions of diet plans and weight loss methods online and they all promise you can lose weight fast, lose weight in just 1 week, etc.

But, what these diet plans will do is that you will only lose weight and regain it back in several days. You can lose weight by eating healthy food, doing physical activities every day and the most important thing is to drink this miraculous and amazing drink we’re presenting you today!

This drink is already famous and used by numerous women in the world.
You will need:
8 glasses of water
1 teaspoon of grated ginger root
1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into slices
1 medium-sized lemon cut into slices
12 fresh mint leaves and 1 teaspoon of dried mint


How to Get Rid of Love Handles in Only 3 Weeks

Waist fat is not only unsightly, but it also gives us a great psychological discomfort and presents a risk to our health. As you have more fat in the waist area, the risks of developing heart disease or diabetes are also higher.
Some people store excess fat on the waist because of cortisol, a hormone that increases every time the stress is installed.

Say goodbye to sweets:
Everyone knows that sweets fatten, so you should not wonder why you have a thick waist if you eat sweets. Whether they are made at home, whether they are purchased from the bakeries, cakes “help” you gain weight. Same happens with candy, chocolate (except the black), creamy ice cream, biscuits. How to satisfy your sweets need? Simply: by eating fruits.
Eat more salads and healthy fats:
When you prepare a salad, get used to add some flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds or walnuts. These foods contain healthy fats that give you energy and maintain good bowel movements. Also, the salad will be transformed into a nourishing one and you will not feel the need to eat again for a long period of time.

Monday 14 August 2017

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally In Just 7 Days

As you age and laugh, cry and enjoy life altogether your face is going to preserve each of your precious moments in the form of a wrinkle. They say wrinkles are a trademark of happy people, but even, so, you want to get rid of them.

Your very own, 100% natural cream – homemade! In only 7 days your face will be wrinkle free!
Benefits of the home-made wrinkle cream
  • It’s easy to prepare
  • All the ingredients are cheap and you already have them in your kitchen
  • The cream is moisturising, removing wrinkles by hydrating the skin, not stuffing it with chemicals
  • The cream can be used on any type of skin
  • It will give you long term benefits, but you will notice the difference in just 7 days

How To Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat

8 top fitness experts share their go-to move for slim, sculpted hips and thighs
Cossack Squat:
This exercise provides a unique training stimulus for the lower body that will shape your glutes and thighs from every angle, says Jon-Erik Kawamoto, strength coach and owner of JKConditioning.

To do it: Stand with feet much wider than shoulder width, arms relaxed by sides. Squat as deep as possible to the left, while turning right toes up, flexing right foot (right leg remains straight and torso leans slightly forward to maintain balance).

Extend arms straight out from shoulders. Return to the starting position and perform on the opposite side to complete one rep. Do 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

Criss-Cross Power Jacks:
This move effectively targets the inner-thigh muscles while also engaging your whole body and increasing heart rate (meaning more calories burned!), says Jessica Matthews, exercise physiologist at theAmerican Council On Exercise.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Total Body Home Workout ..

       Hi Everyone !

Today i will give "Total Body Home Workout", you can it at your own home as no equipments is required for that workout, you just need of "Resistance band".Within a month you will have Abs, beautiful upper and lower body shape.
That resistance band is that the tension increases as you stretch them, so the exercise gets harder as you move through the range of motion, challenging your muscles in a different way than weights do. That helps you get stronger faster. Plus, they’re light, so you can tuck one in your bag when you travel. Add these moves to your routine and you’ll look like a million—for only a few bucks!


1. Arm (Biceps), Hips and Butt Exercise

Step 1: Starting position is standing, the center of the band under your left foot. Hold one end of the band in each hand, dumbbell (1kg) as well, arms bent at the elbows, and the back straight.

Step 2: Take a big step backward with your right leg, bending both knees to lower into a lunge with your left knee directly over your ankle. Press your arms out in front of your chest, palms facing up. Bend your arms back and then lower. Do 8 to 12 reps per side to complete a set.

2. Arm (Triceps), Stomach and Butt Exercise

Step 1: Attach one end of the band to a radiator or to the middle of a door, the other end in the left hand with dumbbell (1kg).

Step 2: Kneel on the floor and get into hands and knees position, about 3 to 4 feet away from the door, facing the door. Keep your back straight and head straight. Start with your active elbow tight to your body and hand right below your chest.

Step3: Straighten your arm until your hand is right beside your hip, and in the same time bend your right leg. Do 10 reps per side to complete a set.

Saturday 12 August 2017

How to use coconut oil for a healthy beautiful hair

Coconut oil is used for many years in India and other parts of Asia as a hair treatment. Used as a hair treatment and / or conditioner, coconut oil is worldwide recognized for its benefits against dry and damaged hair and is an excellent treatment against dandruff.
Making a good quality hair treatment with coconut oil is fun and easy to do. Here’s how to proceed:Use virgin coconut oil, which is made from fresh coconut core, rather than a refined coconut oil, which doesn’t preserve its nutrients.

After you have brushed your hair, put coconut butter oil in a glass. Put the cup in a pot with hot water to melt it slowly. Even though coconut oil is liquid in tropical climates, it solidifies at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius.
You can add a few drops of essential oils, like rosemary, tea tree or cedar oil if you want a treatment against dandruff or to stimulate hair growth. A few drops of lavender oil can be used if you wish to feed dry hair.

Baking Soda Mask That Will Transform Your Complexion Radically

Baking soda gives this mask a number of amazing features. This mask exfoliates the skin, removes dead skin cells layer and cleans the skin properly. Also, this mask makes your skin softer, smoother, cleaner and fresher from the first use.Honey has antibacterial properties, making it ideal for treating and preventing acne naturally. Because is full of antioxidants, honey is great for slowing the aging process.

It has a gentle action, being the proper ingredient even for very sensitive skin. Honey rejuvenates your pores and brightens the skin, providing a younger appearance.
• 4 tablespoons of baking soda
• 1 tablespoon of honey

• 2 tablespoons of water (or less, depending on the desired consistency)
Step 1
Pour baking soda into a clean glass container then add honey over it. Gradually pour small amounts of water and mix vigorously to get a thick paste.

Thursday 10 August 2017

Flat-Belly Smoothie 5 mins to cook, serves 1

Forget doing another set of crunches at the gym. Sip on this deliciously sweet smoothie packed with ingredients that fight belly fat and reduce bloating — all for under 300 calories.

3 ounces vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon almond butter
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup kale
3/4 cup water

Place all the ingredients in a blender, and mix until smooth.
Enjoy immediately.

Monday 7 August 2017

How to Lose Weight in Your Face With These 6 Proven Ways

Tips For Attaining A Flat Stomach, What To Eat And Do To Burn Fat

Fitness Republic, who previously showed us how to keep fit, get six pack abs and lose weight, has a new infographic on how to attain a flat stomach. 
For example, having frequent and smaller meal portions, eating more fruits and vegetables, and regular workouts help to slim down your midsection. 

Saturday 5 August 2017

How to remove facial hair and blackheads ..

                             FACE MASK

One of the top beauty problem, is the facial hair and blackheads, people expend their a lot of money on expensive cosmetic products to remove them but they don't have useful results and these cosmetic also have side effects too.
Today i will give you the best home made "FACE MASK", with which you can get ride of that problem easily.And one thing more, it need just one ingredient, that is already at your home.


All you need to make a homemade natural mask that removes blackheads and unwanted face hair is:

How to Get Rid of Dry Hair Naturally at Home ...

               DRY HAIR TREATMENT 

Dry and brittle hair is hard to adore. It is not soft and shiny, it’s not silky and smooth, and it’s not lustrous and definitely not sexy. It’s just dry, frizzy and brittle!
Your hair is made up of thousands of cells that are divided into three layers. Dry hair occurs when your hair shafts do not receive or retain enough moisture required for the proper health of your hair. This reduces its shine, making it appear lifeless and dull.
Here are some inexpensive, homemade treatments to get rid of dry hair naturally at home, leaving you with lustrous and shiny hair.


Coconut oil is an extreme hydra-tor that helps to nourish dry and brittle hair. It provides all the essential proteins that are required to nourish and rejuvenate damaged hair.Coconut oil also has antioxidants as well as anti-fungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties that help improve the damaged hair shafts and add shine to your hair.