Sunday 30 July 2017

How to do Stomach Vacuum for Smaller Waist and Flat Abs?

Hey !! Have you ever heard of Transverse abdominis muschle? It lies beneath the six-pack muscles and supports your internal organs when it is contracted increasing abdominal pressure to allow you to lift more weight. It also help you with your body posture and protect your inner organs.

The stomach vacuum is performed to improve the transversus abdominis muscle which results in improving the appearance of body core. There are a number of ways to perform this tummy shrinking workout.One way to perform stomach vacuum is by standing upright and exhaling completely. Now squeeze in your stomach as much as possible and hold that position for as long as you can. Inhale and then repeat.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Killer Legs and Butt Workout

Note: This workout is designed for the gym or home gym.

Equipment Needed: One set of Dumbbells of medium weight (optional barbell for squats); leg press machine; leg extension machine; leg curl machine; flat bench or step approximately 12″ to 16″, for step-ups.

What to Do: All fitness levels perform 12 repetitions of each move; rest 15 seconds after each move; rest one minute after each circuit. View video demonstrations below for correct form.

Beginner Level: Complete one circuit
Intermediate Level: Complete three circuits
Advanced Workout: Complete four circuits.


Wave Your Hair How ?

Get gorgeous, bouncy waves with these easy tips!

I have always had stick-straight hair, so I've had to learn a few tricks to making bouncy waves. For some reason, it seems that those of us with straight hair want waves, and those with waves want it straight. My mother-in-law has beautiful natural wavy hair, and she's told me of stories how as a teenager she used to iron her hair with a clothes iron. For me, that's hard to imagine.I will share just a simple way that you can wave and curl hair without the harmful styling products on the market today.

Check out the photo below, it's awesome!

This is the easiest way to wave hair, the healthiest, and the one that I most often use. Depending on how much wave I want, I may put as many as 2 to 6 braids in my hair.
Take freshly washed and slightly damp hair and divide it into even sections.

The 8 hour Diet-plan – 8-Pounds Less In A Week ...


Health is a great blessing of God.We all must care of it.Here today i will give you the "8 hours Diet-plan".Simply , you are allowed to eat everything, but just for eight hours a day!
At first glance it sounds very simple, but it works so well. There are some rules that are necessary to be observed to have visible results.


  • First, it is necessary to eat only for 8 hours during the day, and the remaining 16 hours is allowed to drink only water or herbal teas, it is allowed unsweetened lemonade in that period also.
Experts advise that the best the eight hours to eat have to be from 9:00 to 17:00, if possible, because the results showed that in this period the diet is most effective.

  • we all know that the urban way of life almost does not allow eating at the time, if we take into account that working time is precisely from 9-17 pm, so concessions are possible.
  • The optimum time is from 8 am to 19 pm.And what is more important, the diet of 8 hours means that the eight hours must be at the same times each day.

For example, during the weekdays may be between 8 to 16, and during the weekend from 11 to 19 hour. But most important is that after that 8 hours you should not eat anything except liquids (water, herbal teas, lemonade without sugar). And do not forget, the distance between main meals must be four hours.
What specifically will delight you is the menu, and the rule is simple: Everything is permitted!

Friday 28 July 2017

DIY Home Solution to Dry Scaly Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels not only affects the beauty of your foot but also prove to be very painful in intensive cases.These cracks are generally caused by insufficient moisture.The most common reasons for Heel Fissures are mainly walking barefooted, excessive hot showers, prolonged standing,climate,age, medical conditions etc.,

Hydrogen Peroxide – 2 cups
Hot water – 4 cups
Foot file or pumice stone

Thursday 27 July 2017

Get rid of Belly Fat with Ice

There are two types of fats, the brown ones and the white ones. White fats can be visible on your belly, thighs and on the back of the arms. It has been proven scientifically that cold temperatures eliminate white fats.If you stay in cold temperatures for a prolonged period of time, your white fats will start transforming into brown fatty tissues. White fats have a brown color during cold seasons. It is recommended by the experts from the “Maastricht University Medical Centre” to maintain the temperature of the room at 15-17 °C during the cold season, because a warm room can stop your body from burning fats.

You can try the ice therapy at home to reduce fats. You only have to apply ice compresses to the areas of the body where you have fatty tissues. This way the fats can be burnt and eliminated from the body and the skin gets cooled.Wrap the ice with a thin cloth on the area with problems and leave it on for 30 to 60 minutes.

How to Lose a Double Chin Fast

A double chin occurs when the platysma muscle becomes slack and loses mass. This can make you appear to be middle aged, and also rather unhealthy. Obesity can contribute to a double chin, and losing weight can help. If you also give the flaccid chin muscles regular exercise, they will gain strength and increase mass; this will diminish the appearance of an unsightly double chin. According to Deborah Crowley, who developed the Flex Effect Facial Resistance exercise program, results should be visible within just two weeks when you exercise face muscles daily.

Step 1
Form a loose fist. Place your hand under your chin, with the knuckles of the fist positioned in the indent where your neck meets the chin. Force your lower jaw open, causing resistance with your fist. Hold the pose for approximately 30 seconds and relax.

Step 2
Lie face up on the floor or a similar flat surface. Slowly lift your head, and touch your chest with your chin, without raising your shoulders. Return your head to the ground. Start with 10 repetitions per day, gradually working your way up to 50 reps as the muscles become stronger.

Wednesday 26 July 2017


The ingredients used are chosen to melt the fat stored in the abdomen and remove toxins from the body, balance PH and stimulates all the essential functions of the body.
In addition, this drink is rich in vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants that are able to prevent cancer, working on cellular level and helping to remove all toxins, which could develop other illnesses.

In particular it melts belly fat most difficult area when it comes to weight loss. It is also a refreshing drink and a store of energy for the body, which helps you lose weight in a healthy way.
You need:


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 69.8% of women over 50 have taken a mammograph in the last couple of years.However, routine screening tests alone can’t always detect cancer and it’s very dangerous to rely on them completely.Women are often afraid of speaking about an unusual symptom with their doctors, but this is wrong and may be fatal.If there’s something wrong with your health, there may be an underlying problem such as cancer. This is why it’s very important to recognize the signs of cancer on time and never ignore them.

1 Chronic cough, chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breathAll these symptoms are caused by lung tumors or leukemia. Some lung cancer patients have also reported pain that extends to the shoulder and arm.

2 Breast changes
Any kind of change or a detection of lump in your breasts can be a sign of cancer. Inverted nipples, nipple discharge, skin dimpling and redness on the breasts can also a sign of breast cancer, so make sure to inspect your breasts carefully and report any change to your doctor.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Lemon, Parsley and Celery To Clean Your Liver

When the organism if full of toxins, the liver can’t perform its functions normally. In this case the process of losing weight is significantly slower and you gain more and more weight.That is the reason why people don’t lose weight despite their great effort and different methods.Consume it for 3 days and clean your liver from any toxins and filth which live inside. 

– 3 lemons
– 1 cup of cut parsley
– 5 steams celery
– 6 cups water

This Fatty Liver Cleanse Will Reset Your Metabolism And Jumpstart Your Fat Loss

Your liver plays about 500 different functions, including neutralizing toxins, fighting infections and manufacturing proteins and hormones (1).It even has the capacity to regenerate itself after injury. It’s the only organ in your body which can do so.Having an unbalanced diet and eating processed foods can really take a toll on the liver over time. It’s capacity to detoxify itself and cleanse the 
body is essential for optimal health. Without it, you’re prone to toxic overload and chronic illness.Having an unbalanced diet and eating processed foods can really take a toll on the liver over time. It’s capacity to detoxify itself and cleanse the body is essential for optimal health. Without it, you’re prone to toxic overload and chronic illness

25 g of celery
A finger-sized piece of ginger
125 g of fresh red cabbage
1 lemon
250 g of fresh pears
10 g of mint

Wash all the ingredient thoroughly but do not peel them.
Decore the pear, keeping as much flesh as possible, and grate the ginger.


Monday 24 July 2017

What is Your Headache Trying to Tell You? Never Ignore a Headache

It's extremely important to correctly understand what type of headache is causing you pain and grief. Better understanding the root of the problem can help you seek proper treatment. So, let’s take a closer look, as we examine seven types of headaches accompanied with the varying symptoms.

Sleep-Related. Staying up too late usually has more repercussions than a case of the sleepy blues, the next morning. Generally, severe throbbing headaches can be contributed to a lack of sleep. Although, over-the-counter drugs offer temporary relief, Dr. Alexander Mauskop, a neurologist with the New York Headache Center, insists changing your sleeping habits is one of the best ways to alleviate a sleep-related headache.

Migraine. With an estimated 29 million Americans suffering from migraines, it is considered to be one of the more typical forms of headaches. 


Hey Guys!!Nowadays, more and more people tend to reach for alternative medicine because it is not expensive and it does not have side-effects.Drink lemon and chia to burn accumulated fat.Both the ingredients are extremely healthful and we can combine them in a drink.

1 glass of lemon juice
1 tbsp of Chia seeds
1 tbsp of honey
1 ½ of glasses of water


First of all, soak the chia seeds for at least one hour. Due to the fiber they contain, after an hour they will look like gel pellets. After that, you should pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix them well. Your drink is ready.


Hey everyone!! So, when we feel pain in one area, we soon feel on other as well. For example, pain in the foot can hurt all the way up the leg.The reason is everything in our body is interconnected, and especially in the feet.There’s a list of more than 25 causes of foot pain. Some of them are bunions, arthritis, corns, overlapping toes, heel spurs, ingrown toenails, and athlete’s foot, and all of them can cause certain discomfort.Our feet are connected to so many things. According to Chinese reflexology, feet are the source of our overall health, so there are many detox foot-baths driven by the thought that the best place to draw toxins out of our body are the feet.

Foot stretches are probably the easiest method to reduce your foot pain. They are very simple and require not more than 5 minutes, so you can do them while eating your breakfast..

Raise your toes up. Some people can find this hard to do. Stand on your feet and raise all toes upwards. You should lift your pinky toe in the same height and the same way as your big toe. Repeat this 5 times with both feet.

Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy and You’ll Have Eagle Eyesight: Eat 3 Tablespoons a Day and You’ll Witness a Miracle!

Hey Guys!!What if I tell you that you can treat vision and hair loss with one natural remedy. The following natural remedy will stop hair loss, promote hair growth, and improve your eyesight. Moreover, it can reverse gray hair. You will be amazed by the powers of this natural remedy.

200 g of flaxseed oil
4 lemons
1 kg of honey
3 small garlic cloves


Sunday 23 July 2017

Menstrual cycle takes place every month for a period of 6-7 days. During these days, a woman may have abnormal cramps along with some other…

Menstrual cycle takes place every month for a period of 6-7 days. During these days, a woman may have abnormal cramps along with some other minor problems, such as headaches and stomach harassment. When menstrual blood flows quickly from the body, its color will be red or pink. Sometimes, most of the women may notice black or brown blood during the period and then worry. According to experts, that blood is dark indicates that it slowly flows out of the body.

Certainly during a menstrual cycle have been observed as the color of blood is sometimes brighter, sometimes darker, and many women are faced with punctuate bleeding outside the cycle. What can sometimes be a sign of anxiety is the color of menstrual blood and it is important to know what certain colors indicate when you should contact a gynaecologist.

Blood pink is of the menstrual cycle. But if it occurs earlier, for example in the middle of it, it may be a sign of early pregnancy, a hormonal disorder or other diseases of the reproductive organs, so it is best to visit a gynecologists.


Saggy breasts are a rather unpleasant and certainly not one of the favorite topics for women.However, although they are constantly trying to…

Saggy breasts are a rather unpleasant and certainly not one of the favorite topics for women.However, although they are constantly trying to prevent this phenomenon, breasts lose elasticity and become saggy over time.This puts women into a desperate situation, as they lose self- confidence and feel less attractive. Fortunately, there are some things you can do and prevent sagging of your breasts and keep the ideal look of your breasts longer. Nevertheless, we need to start with the reason for breasts sagging.

In most cases, saggy breasts usually appear after the age of 40, but this is not always the case, as they can appear earlier if the skin becomes old, loose and loses elasticity. Breasts are not made of muscle, so you need to keep them I shape. They contain fat, milk-producing glands and connective tissues.
Saggy breasts can also appear as a result of smoking, improper bras, menopause, improper nutrition, rapid weight gain or loss and over-tanning.

In the last couple of years, heart attacks have become very common among the worldwide population. Unfortunately, they’re the number 1…

In the last couple of years, heart attacks have become very common among the worldwide population. Unfortunately, they’re the number 1 reason for death in the world. They occur as a consequence of our stressful lifestyles and unhealthy diets.You can protect your cardiovascular health by improving your lifestyle- follow a healthier diet and lower the amount of stress. Also, it’s good to recognize the symptoms of heart failure that usually begin to show a month before the heart experiences a failure:

Shortness of breath
When the lungs don’t get enough oxygen, your heart won’t get the blood which needs to pass through it. Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, immediately consult your physician.
Cold and flu symptoms
A lot of people, before they experience a heart attack, experience these two symptoms.
Chest pressure
This is a clear symptom that a heart attack can take place in the near future. It’s important to consult your physician if you experience chest ache.

ATabata is an HI workout that has weight-loss and fitness benefits. Its advantages are that is a short and very effective workout and can be done at h

ATabata is an HI workout that has weight-loss and fitness benefits. Its advantages are that is a short and very effective workout and can be done at home.

Tabata Workout: Not for the Weak of Heart

As it is a high-intensity workout, although it is perfect for burning fat, it is not recommended for those with any health problems, especially for the people with cardiovascular diseases. 

Why Is Tabata Perfect? 

As it is so important to stay fit, which is part of a well-balanced life, the Tabata workout is so perfect, because it only takes four minutes.

What Is a Tabata Workout?

Saturday 22 July 2017

Signs of High Blood Sugar: Stop It Before Diabetes Takes Over

One of the misconceptions is that eating chocolate will cause high blood sugar. Actually, sugar is present in many more foods than chocolate (e.g., white flour and white flour-based products are also high in sugar).Nevertheless, it’s important to talk about the signs of high blood sugar, because it is one of the most troublesome diseases of the 21st century. What is awful is that children today suffer from diabetes, and it all comes down to bad eating habits and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

What are high blood sugar levels?

In order to understand what classifies as high blood sugar levels, we must understand the normal levels first. These numbers are for people without diabetes. Normal blood sugar can be divided into three groups: fasting, before meals, and after meals.

Signs of high blood sugar can be divided into two groups: mild high blood sugar symptoms and severe high blood sugar symptoms. We will explain all these signs one by one.

Excessive urination
Medically called “polyuria,” excessive urination is one of the three main symptoms of high blood sugar (along with excessive thirst and hunger). Excessive urination happens as a chain reaction to the two other symptoms. It all starts in the blood, where, due to a high blood concentration, intracellular fluids are pulled into the bloodstream. Think of it as your body’s reaction to balance the concentration of glucose.

Friday 21 July 2017

How to Reduce Pore Size and have Crystal Clear Skin

Large pores can be quite upsetting. They make your skin look imperfect, dull and unsmooth. Though, pore size is genetic, it is possible to reduce their appearance.They may vary depending on the type of skin you have. Aging, sun damage, improper hygiene, use of bad/low quality products and cosmetics can make your pores bigger in size.

 As your skin ages, it loses collagen that helps it to stay elastic, making support to oil glands difficult, thereby increasing your pore size.Pores can become visible and seem larger due to inadequate skin care and issues such as blackheads, which can expand your pores. Genetic factors, environmental damage and aging also contribute to pore size. The following remedies will help you fight the problem of enlarged pores and reduce pore size.
Cleansing skin is the first step in preventing enlarged pores, breakouts and irritation while maintaining the integrity of the skin’s structure. Always cleanse the skin first thing in the morning to remove dead skin cells and embedded oil.
A bar soap, cleansing gel, or cleansing oil works to remove pore clogging residue, keeping the complexion clean and supple while minimizing the occurrence of enlarged pores.
Steaming the facial skin is a wonderful way to open up the pores and remove the dirt and debris that is clogging them. For a do-it-at home steam session, place your head over a pot of hot water with a towel draped over the head and the shoulders.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems

The common salt, known as table salt, is composed of sodium chloride, that is substance that is a part of a larger class of salts. Sea salt, known as solar salt or bay salt,  is the type of salt formed by the evaporation of sea water.
In general  salt is very important for people’s life. Saltiness is one of the basic and primary human tastes. It is consumed in cooking every day and throughout the whole world. Many people know its beauty benefits. Indeed, putting salt in some beauty products can really do miracles for your hair and skin.

Using Salt for Hair
Anti-Oily Hair

An outcome of excessively active sebaceous glands on the scalp, which produce too much oil is oily hair. Luckily, you can solve this annoying issue by using salt. All you need to do is add 2 or 3 tablespoons in the shampoo you usually use and wash your hair with it. After the first few treatments you will notice the results. Your hair will be healthy without any excess of oil.