Wednesday 17 May 2017

Helps in slashing that extra pound

Treatment of joint ailments
If you are having issues with your joints as a result of ailments like gout or arthritis, all you need to do is take a glass of celery juice a day and you will see an improvement! Celery is known to have anti-inflammatory properties which help in treating inflammation of joints.
Celery helps in regulating cholesterol in the body
You read it right! That wasn’t a typing error. Celery triggers production of bile juice which reduces the amounts of ‘bad’ cholesterol (called LDL, low-density lipoprotein) in blood. Take two sticks of celery every day and high cholesterol levels will be history to you.
It helps in cancer prevention
Studies indicate that some compounds like flavonoids (for example luteolin), pthalides, and polyacethylenes which are present in celery help in obstructing the growth of cancer cells. These compounds are antioxidants which constantly search for free radical floating in your blood and neutralize them before they are able to harm your body.
Helps in slashing that extra pound
Regular drinking of celery juice before your meals may help you reduce your weight. Like earlier pointed out, celery is believed to be low in calories which makes it awesome in your struggle to slash that extra pound.

Eliminates menstrual symptoms
If the menstruation is the worst time for you due to symptoms which accompany it
 like bloating, headaches and abdominal pains, try celery and you will be pleased. Celery consists mainly of water which keeps you hydrated. Consider celery as a healthy snack during your period (the best! when
 combined with delicious dips like peanut butter).

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