Thursday 29 June 2017

Just Boil 2 Ingredients And You Will Quickly Lose All Of Your Body Fat!. Life Saving Recipe

To prepare this recipe you have to mix with cinnamon boiling water, then remove the container from heat and let cool.
To preserve the properties of honey that will help you lose weight, you have to add it when the drink is cold, never when the water is boiling.
How to consume this drink?
You have to drink half of it just before going to sleep, and the other half in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach.
In just seven days you will realize that you have lost weight faster than before. The results will surely surprise and encourage you to continue losing more weight.

Honey alone has been shown to contain antioxidants and enzymes that have various healthy effects on the body. Findings on cinnamon are equally as promising, with research suggesting that it can do everything from boosting your metabolism to lowering your cholesterol. On their own these two items should play a part in your regular diet.
Combining the two creates a sort of Dynamic Duo and when taken at the start and end of your day has been peer proven to assist you in your weight loss goals.

Just Boil 2 Ingredients And You Will Quickly Lose All Of Your Body Fat!. Life Saving Recipe

There are millions of people who care about their body weight, especially women who are dreaming of losing weight quickly and effortlessly. But this is sometimes very difficult.

However, there are ingredients that nature gave us that accelerate weight loss and help you burn more calories without having to make big sacrifices.

Have you tried honey and cinnamon for weight loss yet? While it’s no magic bullet for weight loss, it can be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise to accelerate the rate of weight loss and help you get past food cravings more quickly.



  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • 250 ml of water.

Sunday 25 June 2017


  1. Burpees
These are better than bike sprints. Do 10 burpees in a minute, and you’ll burn 14 calories. This exercise is great for your metabolism as well.
  1. Kettlebell swing
You need a few minutes to do it, but it will help you burn 10 calories in a minute. Everyone can do it, so just add it to your workout routine.
  1. Fat tire biking
This may be a tough one to do, because it’s not easy to control those large tires of the bicycle.  You will burn 25 calories in a minute while doing this exercise.
  1. Cross-fit exercises
These include several exercises, and some of them may be too tough for beginners. But, work on your own routine, and pick three of them. Do these regularly, and you will soon notice an improvement.
  1. Jumping rope
It’s fun and effective. What else can you ask for? It’s a medium-intensity exercise, and you will burn 13 calories in a minute by doing it. All you have to do is aim for 100 skips in a minute. Fitness gurus say this is a “complete” exercise.
  1. Battling ropes
Researchers found that this exercise is the optimal for your total oxygen consumption, and that’s not the case with other exercises.
  1. Jump squats
Jump squats are super-efficient when it comes to burning fat. Do these, and you’ll burn 14 calories in 20 seconds.
  1. Indoor rowing
Intense rowing will help you burn 375 calories in 30 minutes. Do this exercise to tone and tighten the muscles in your arms and shoulders.
  1. Cross-country skiing
It’s better than running, and it helps you burn more calories than your morning jog.


You may think that a nice morning jog is the only exercise that will help you burn fat, but you can actually engage your body in doing more efficient exercises.

Although running is a nice cardio activity, it’s a high-impact exercise, and your feet, thighs, and knees definitely hate all the pressure it puts on them.Running will only help you burn 10 calories in a minute, which means it’s definitely not the most efficient fat-burning exercise.
Aim for exercises that target specific groups of muscles. You should also let your muscles recover after every exercise.
We give you 10 amazing exercises that provide better results than running when it comes to burning fat and toning the body.
  1. Bike sprints
If you are an absolute beginner, bike springs are the real deal for you. They are also great for people who don’t exercise that often. Work the bike as fast as you can, than pedal at your slowest pace for a minute. It’s best if you manage to alternate between

Thursday 22 June 2017

Eliminate Back Fat and Underarm Flab with 4 Quick Exercises

2. Bent-over circular row– biceps, chest, mid-back, and upper back.
Bend your knees, but make sure to keep the abs engaged. Then, bend forward so the upper part of the body will be in a parallel position with the floor.
Hands need to be extended to the floor.
Gradually make a circle with your arms, to the left, up, and to the chest, then to the right, and down. Repeat the circle by starting from the other side. Make 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
3. Crisscross reverse fly– upper back and shoulders.
Slightly bend your knees, but make sure your torso is leaned forward for 45 degrees. Your arms need to be crossed at the wrists in front of your knees.

Gradually raise your arms to the level of your shoulder and lift down to the beginning position. Repeat the procedure with opposite hands crossed. Make 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
4. Elbow Kiss – shoulders and chest.
Raise your arms at sides to shoulder level, but make sure your palms are faced up. Your elbows need to be bended to a 90 degree angle, and your arms pulled together in front of the chest. In the process make sure not to raise your shoulders. By reversing the steps, slowly return to the beginning position. Make 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
In order to get the best results, do this program of exercises for 12 minutes, 3 times in a week, for 3 weeks.

Eliminate Back Fat and Underarm Flab with 4 Quick Exercises

Surely many of you have found yourself in a situation in which you look great in some clothing, but then you see that extra fat on your back which makes you feel unconfident in your body.

The fat on the back and underarm can be a terrible problem.
But, we present you 4 exercises which will help to get rid of that fat and will bring back your confidence
1. Push and Touch– chest, shoulders, and upper back.
Stand with your arms down by sides, palms facing forward, and shoulder width apart. Then, raise the arms up to the level of shoulder, and make sure your palms are to the celling.
You will feel the burn. Gradually raise the arms over the head, and make sure the palms are behind you. Then, return the arms to the level of your shoulder, make a pause, and return to the beginning position.
It is very important not to move any other body part. Make 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.

How to Get Dimples Naturally: The Only Way

Pucker your lips and suck your cheeks in

To start exercising your cheek muscles, make a face as though you just ate a lemon or something remarkably sour. Your lips should be in a slight pucker or pout and your cheeks should be partially sucked in. Your teeth should not be clenched together, as this can prevent you from sucking your cheeks in, but your lips do need to be closed
  • Note – this method is a folk remedy. In other words, it’s not supported by any sort of scientific evidence, but rather by vague, unverifiable, anecdotal evidence. Thus, it is not guaranteed to work.
  • Your cheeks should naturally indent inward, with the deepest part of the indentation resting in between your top and bottom teeth, roughly halfway between the front and back of your mouth.
  • Try eating or drinking something sour if you have a hard time imagining the appropriate facial expression – your natural reaction to sourness is what this exercise is imitating.
Dimples are small folds or indentations in the fleshy part of the cheek. Dimples are caused by a minor muscle deformity which cause the skin of the cheek to draw tightly as it moves, creating external divots. This adorable facial feature is usually a genetically-inherited trait. However, people born without natural dimples can successfully mimic their appearance through a variety of methods ranging from the simple (makeup) to the drastic (surgery). See Step 1 below to get started on your own set of dimples.

Press and hold the indentations

Locate the areas on your cheeks where the indentations are the deepest. Gently hold this spot down on both cheeks using both index fingers. Keep your fingers firmly fixed to these spots as you prepare to move your mouth.

Smile and reposition your fingers as necessary

Gradually ease your expression into a wide grin, keeping your fingers fixed to the same spots on your face. Your smile should be wide and open-mouthed, as natural dimples generally appear when someone has a fairly wide smile. Your fingers should now be positioned near the corners of your smile, where dimples would naturally occur if you had them.

Continue pressing for 30 minutes or more

To train your cheeks into forming more lasting dimples, you will need to continue to firmly hold these indentations in place for at least 30 minutes.

Repeat  Daily

Continue practicing 30-minute dimple “exercises” on a daily basis for several weeks. If a month passes and you still have not created lasting dimples, you may want to move on. Since this technique is not supported by scientific evidence, but by hearsay, if you don’t eventually have success, it may simply not work for you.

How to Get Dimples Naturally: The Only Way

Dimples are small folds or indentations in the fleshy part of the cheek. Dimples are caused by a minor muscle deformity which cause the skin of the cheek to draw tightly as it moves, creating external divots. This adorable facial feature is usually a genetically-inherited trait. However, people born without natural dimples can successfully mimic their appearance through a variety of methods ranging from the simple (makeup) to the drastic (surgery). See Step 1 below to get started on your own set of dimples.

Method 1: Performing Dimple Exercises

Pucker your lips and suck your cheeks in.To start exercising your cheek muscles, make a face as though you just ate a lemon or something remarkably sour. Your lips should be in a slight pucker or pout and your cheeks should be partially sucked in. Your teeth should not be clenched together, as this can prevent you from sucking your cheeks in, but your lips do need to be closed.

  • Note – this method is a folk remedy. In other words, it’s not supported by any sort of scientific evidence, but rather by vague, unverifiable, anecdotal evidence. Thus, it is not guaranteed to work.
  • Your cheeks should naturally indent inward, with the deepest part of the indentation resting in between your top and bottom teeth, roughly halfway between the front and back of your mouth.
  • Try eating or drinking something sour if you have a hard time imagining the appropriate facial expression – your natural reaction to sourness is what this exercise is imitating.

Saturday 17 June 2017

8 Homemade Drinks That Melts Belly Fat Fast

2. Lemon Water:
Lemon water is one of the most used drink to lose weight and I have been hearing about it since my childhood. You can add juice of one small lemon into a half glass of warm water to prepare the lemon water.
You must drink it as the first thing in the morning to maximize its benefits.
3. Using Lemon,Ginger,Cucumber and Parsley:
Make a juice of one lemon, one teaspoon of grated ginger, one cucumber small and one bunch of parsley. Add some water in it, if it is too thick.
Drink it before going to the bed for a period of 10 days to lose belly fat.
4. Melon, Ginger and Lemon Drink:
The ingredients required for this drink include one cup of finely diced melon, 1 pear, 1
cucumber, 1 lemon and half tablespoon of fresh ginger. Firstly you should squeeze the
juice from all the citrus fruits like orange, pear and lemon.
Then add the other
ingredients into a blender to blend all the ingredients into juice.
5. Using Horseradish,Lemons,Honey,Cinnamon and Ginger:
First thing is to blend 130 grams of horseradish and 1 piece of ginger (1 inch). Take
unpeeled lemons and cut them into chunks. Clean the seeds.
Blend the lemon pieces
together with the horseradish.
Then you add 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and stir well. Put
the fat burning drink in a jar and keep it in the fridge.
Take a teaspoon twice a day,
along with your meals. Within 3 weeks your waist size will reduce significantly.
6. Cinnamon and Honey Drink:
The cinnamon and honey drink will be the first thing you drink in the morning to expedite the body fat burning process and keep you refreshing during day.
You require one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon to prepare this drink. You add both ingredients into one glass of water that is at room temperature, not hot or warm, and then add some fresh lime juice.
8. Watermelon Smoothie:
Watermelon is a common diet ingredient as it contains a lot of water, and combining it with ice and yogurt will create a perfect weight loss smoothie.
The key to weight loss and reducing belly fat is hard work combined with a healthy diet – stick to the plan, and you will get a flat belly quickly.

8 Homemade Drinks That Melts Belly Fat Fast

Unwanted weight and belly fat result from taking in too many calories and expending too few of them. Even if you eat a reasonably healthy diet, some drinks, such as milk shakes and regular sodas, can push you over your daily calorie limit. Switching to fruit juices will provide better nutrition, but these drinks still contribute about as many calories as a soda. To lose belly fat, choose beverages with the least fat and calories.

Bananas are very rich in potassium which helps in the process of removing excess water from our body. One banana can contain up to 450 mg of this element, depending on the banana’s size. This fruit is an excellent source of energy because it contains glucose, fructose and sucrose.
Due to its nutrients, bananas are excellent when it comes to decreasing the feelings of hunger. So, instead of eating unhealthy snacks, eat a banana, its fiber is going to speed up your metabolism as well.

Just add all of the ingredients in a blender and mix them well. Since now you have a glass full of nutrient, you can consume this drink as a breakfast substitute. Plus it will help you lose some belly fat due to these recipe’s ingredients’ properties. Cheers!

Monday 12 June 2017

Exercises to Strengthen and Tone Inner Thighs

Frog Bend

In this exercise no equipment is necessary and you only use gravity for resistance.
  1. Lie on a floor or a mat with your face up, while your legs are extended straight over hips. Keep your feet flexed, heels together, and toes turned out.
  2. Slowly bend your knees out to the sides, and then straighten them back, using your inner-thigh muscles to control the movement.
  3. Do 3 sets of 10 reps, while resting in between each set as needed.

Scissor kicks

These kicks are good for your core muscles and also strengthen your thigh muscles by moving your legs in multiple directions.
  1. Lie on your back, while your arms are down by your sides.
  2. You can do the exercise in 2 directions: (A) Raise your feet about 30 cm off the floor. Controlling your core muscles, scissor your legs up and down for 10 reps. (B) Without resting, now scissor your legs side to side (choose which foot crosses over top at the center and alternate between the legs) for 10 more reps for each leg. This is one set.
  3. Repeat for 3 sets, trying not to drop your legs in between.

Side and cross-over lunges

This exercise will help you to tone your inner thighs as it hits them from different directions.
1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take your left foot making a wide side-step (illustration A). Bend your right knee so you push your hips behind you when you are stepping aside (keep your back straight and your face forward). Your right leg remains extended as you move your body weight on your left side.
2. Touch the ground with your finger tips so your arms on either side of the left foot. Return to standing position. Perform 1 set for each leg, 10-15 repetitions.
3. For the classic lunges (illustration B), stand with your right leg forward and left leg back. Then slowly bend the knees until both legs are nearly at right angles. Then push back up to starting position. Remember to keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes. Perform 1 set for each leg, 10-15 repetitions.

Seated Ball (or Pillow) Squeeze

  1. Sit on a chair, resting your feet on the floor. Your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  2. Place a ball (or a pillow) between your thighs and inhale. Exhale as you squeeze the ball between your thighs.
  3. Hold for 1 minute while breathing normally. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.

Inner Thigh Lift and Circles

1. Lie on your right side while supporting your head with your bent arm as per the illustration below (alternatively you can fold your arm down and rest your head on it).
2. Bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor in front of your right leg, holding your ankle for support. Your right leg is extended.
3. Use your inner thigh muscles to lift your right leg upwards at least 15 cm. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower your leg back. Alternatively you can draw imaginary circles on the back wall.
4. Repeat 10-20 times for each side.

Side Squat with Band

Resistance bands are inexpensive and can be used for a total body workout. They also offer you the option of using different levels of resistance depending on your fitness level.
This exercise works on your inner and outer thighs, hips and bottom. You can do this exercise without the resistance band, but the band will further increase the efficacy of this exercise.
  1. Stand while your feet are shoulder-width apart and tie a band around your lower legs.
  2. Lift your left leg and step out to the left while pressing out against the resistance of the band. When your left foot touches the floor, bend your knees into a deep squat.
  3. Then stand up again and bring your feet back to shoulder-width apart.
  4. Repeat – Either alternate legs or take 10 steps to the left and then 10 steps to the right.
Keep up the good work and give your inner thighs the attention they need!

6 Easy Exercises To Tone & Trim Your Inner Thigh

If you suffer from excess fat in your inner thighs, don’t despair. You can tone your inner thighs with specific exercises and dietary changes that will target full body weight loss. Toning your inner thighs will make them stronger and more attractive and will improve your confidence when you go to the beach or wear leggings and skinny jeans.

The inner thigh is not an area you use through everyday activities, so what’s good about the exercises below is that while they focus on the inner thighs, they also use other larger leg muscles which will benefit other parts of your body.
Start your exercise with a few minutes warm-up. You can do these exercises at the comfort of your home 3 to 4 times per week while working on other parts of your body, such as abs, back, butt and legs.

Saturday 10 June 2017

4 Exercises to Lift Your Boobs

2. Incline Weighted Flys

Combining the benefits of bench pressing and dumbbell flys, this exercise is easy to learn but super effective. The exercise targets upper chest muscles, enhancing the appearance of, and toning the tops and sides of, your breasts.
  • Lay face up on an incline bench with your body secured.
  • Take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Hold the dumbbells over your chest with your elbows out.
  • Keeping your elbows in place, extend both your hands and the dumbbells out to each side.
  • Slowly return the dumbbells to their place over your breasts.
  • Raise the dumbbells over your chest, performing a free press.
  • Return the dumbbells to your chest and perform the flys again, and then them press again.
  • Repeat this cycle 10 times slowly and steadily for maximum chest toning and firming.

    3. Weighted Elbow Squeezes

    Performed either sitting or standing, this exercise targets the muscles that hold your breasts in place and is considered an effective breast firming exercise.
    You can perform this exercise multiple times throughout the day because it is so low-impact and simple.
    • Sitting or standing up straight, take a dumbbell or another weighted object in each hand.
    • While holding the weights, put your elbows together in front of your breasts, holding your hands and weights directly above your elbows.
    • Without changing the “L” shape of your arms, draw your arms back as far as you can until you are forming the shape of a football goal post.
    • Slowly bring your arms back in front, with your elbows touching in front of your breasts again.
    • Perform 10 repetitions at least.

    4. Pushup T-Planks

    A combination of a t-plank and a pushup, this chest workout is extra thorough. The exercise will work your chest, back, arms, and abs. It’s fun, but you’ll feel the burn so be sure to spread sets of this exercise out throughout the day or your workout routine.
    • Place your feet on a stable piece of furniture that is about knee height, like your couch or a wooden chest.
    • Assume a pushup position with your feet raised.
    • Extend one arm out straight in front of you so that your body is shaped like a “T”.
    • Hold the position for 20 seconds and then perform a pushup.
    • Repeat this exercise 10 times per arm.
    • To enhance the effects, hold a dumbbell in the extended hand during the exercise.

    5. Secretary Lifts

    Another standing or sitting exercise, this chest workout relies on stretching your muscles and holding positions while also holding weights. You can use dumbbells, water bottles, or any other type of homemade weight as needed. Expect to feel the burn in your chest, arms, and upper back as you tone and lift your breasts.
    • Sit or stand with your upper body as straight as you can.
    • Take a dumbbell or another appropriate weight in each hand.
    • With your elbows at your sides, bend your forearms with weights in hand, in a position as if you are typing.
    • Keeping your arms in this position, extend your elbows out to each side until they reach shoulder height.
    • Hold this position for 15 seconds before returning to the typing position.
    • Repeat 15 times at least, moving slowly for optimum strengthening.

4 Exercises to Lift Your Boobs

One of your most noticeable and unique features, your breasts are often overlooked when it comes to natural enhancement. Sure, plenty of women learn tricks like choosing the perfect braor complimentary clothing styles to make their breasts look better. Few women, however, actually know that you can lift your boobs with a simple chest workout.

That’s right, there are breast firming exercises that tone, shape, and lift them for an enhanced appearance and general strengthening. These exercises will help your posture as well, improving your overall appearances. You can combine these breasts firming exercises with back exercises to help reduce the pains associated with breasts, too.
Knowing all of these benefits, get started on your chest workout:

1. Decline Bench Press

Often an overlooked piece of equipment at the gym, the decline bench is specifically designed to enhance and tone lower chest muscles.
Boosting these muscles builds and strengthens the tissue under your breasts, lifting while firming them. To do this exercise:
  • Secure your legs and slowly lie back on the decline press.
  • Ask your spotter to hand a barbell or dumbbells.
  • Perform 10 presses at a time, three sets in total.
  • Be sure that as you raise and lower the weights they are aligned with your lower chest.  

Thursday 8 June 2017

8 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Fast

1. Press and resists: Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Contract core and draw knees in toward navel, forming a 90-degree angle with knees so shins are parallel with the floor. Place palms slightly above knees on thighs. Press palms into thighs, simultaneously resisting the pressure with knees. Maintain equal balance with pressure from palms and thighs so that you keep the 90-degree angle of the knees. Hold.
Coach’s tip: Drive lower back into floor, simultaneously pushing abdominal wall toward the ceiling. This will create greater stability and activation within muscles around core.
2. Helicopters (clockwise): Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core, take a deep breath in, and draw knees into chest.
Exhale, pressing lower back into floor as you extend feet toward the ceiling. (Upper torso and lower body will form a 90-degree angle with feet pressed together.) Keep core contracted, flex toes toward the floor, and begin circling legs clockwise, keeping legs fully extended and hips resting firmly on the floor.
Coach’s tip. Create more of a challenge by flipping palms up to face the ceiling. This will decrease stability while increasing core activity.
Coach’s tip: To modify this exercise, simply keep left knee bent with foot flat on the floor.
3. Helicopters (counter-clockwise): Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core, take a deep breath in, and draw knees into chest.
Exhale, pressing lower back into floor as you extend feet toward the ceiling. (Upper torso and lower body will form a 90-degree angle with feet pressed together.) Keep core contracted, flex toes toward the floor, and begin circling legs counter-clockwise, keeping legs fully extended and hips resting firmly on the floor.
Coach’s tip: To maximize gains, keep hips from lifting off the floor. This will enable the core to fully engage, creating most activity throughout the region. Stretching hamstrings prior to the exercise will enable more hip control.
4. Hands of time (right leg): Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core, draw knees into chest, and press feet toward the ceiling.
Feet should remain together with toes flexed. Contract core, inhale and lower right leg out to right side as far as possible, keeping left leg still. At lowest point, exhale and use core to move right leg back to starting position.
Coach’s tip: To modify this exercise, simply raise feet off of the floor and keep knees bent at a 90-degree angle with shin remaining parallel with the floor. Keeping the 90-degree angle, lower right leg to floor as far as possible.
5. Hands of time (left leg). Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core, draw knees into chest, and press feet toward the ceiling.
Feet should remain together with toes flexed. Contract core, inhale and lower left leg out to right side as far as possible, keeping right leg still. At lowest point, exhale and use core to move left leg back to starting position.
Coach’s tip: Aim to keep right leg from swinging back and forth throughout the exercise. This can cause lower back to perform most of the work, increasing stress in the lumbar region.
 6. Round the clock (right leg). Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core and draw right knee in toward navel. Flare right knee out (opening inner thigh area) and extend right leg until it is at a 45-degree angle. (Left foot should remain off the floor throughout the exercise.) Reverse direction to starting position.

7. Round the clock (left leg). Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out to sides, palms down. Contract core and draw left knee in toward navel. Flare left knee out (opening inner thigh area) and extend left leg until it is at a 45-degree angle. (Right foot should remain off the floor throughout the exercise.) Reverse direction to starting position.
Coach’s tip: To properly engage core, press back into the floor while pushing stomach out toward the ceiling. This will also create more stability within core region.
 8. Screamers (right leg). Get in a left side plank position with foreman firmly placed on the floor and hips raised off the floor. Contract and drive right knee toward navel with toe flexed. When knee reaches navel, extend right leg out in front of body at a 45-degree angle. Quickly swing leg back to starting position.
Coach’s tip: Form a straight line from shoulders to left heel. Keeping this line will ensure proper form and reduce sag in the hips.
9. Screamers (left leg): Get in a right side plank position with foreman firmly placed on the floor and hips raised off the floor. Contract and drive left knee toward navel with toe flexed. When knee reaches navel, extend left leg out in front of body at a 45-degree angle. Quickly swing leg back to starting position.
Coach’s tip: Form is key with this exercise and maintaining proper spinal position is imperative. To ensure a flat back, keep ears and shoulders in line.
10. Trace the triangle. Get in a pushup position with hands in line with shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Contract core and reach left hand out 45 degrees as far as possible. Do the same with right hand, bringing hands side by side. Reach out right hand as far as possible in front of head. Follow with left hand. Reach backward with right hand on a 45-degree angle, following with left hand. (Your hand pattern will be as if you just traced a triangle.) Reverse direction through each step. Continue, alternating directions.
Coach’s tip. To ensure proper positioning, keep eyes focused at the floor the entire time. This will keep hips from sagging, while reducing stress on the neck.

8 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Fast

Let’s face it: Standard abs exercises like sit-ups and crunches are a little archaic and extremely mundane. To help keep you motivated and ready to show off your mid-section this summer, I created a series of unique core exercises that challenge you without the use of any equipment. Ideal for your hectic summer schedule, these exercises can be performed anywhere and each takes as little as 30 seconds to complete—so no excuse for summer slacking!
How it works: Do each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds between moves. You can add these exercises to your current fitness program or perform as one complete core routine.


Wednesday 7 June 2017


Chest Press. Lie flat on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms up and hold for 10 seconds. This simple exercise works the pectoral muscles. Over time, the breasts will begin to firm and reshape.
Arm Raise. To engage your chest muscles, do a simple arm raise. Think of this move as an extended stretch. Simply stand with your feet apart and reach straight up. This exercise not only works to enhance breasts but also can stretch your body in preparation for a workout.
Pushups. To complete a simple pushup, start on your stomach. Push your body up with your arms and keep your back straight. The weight of your body on your arms encourages the chest muscles to strengthen.
2.Olive Oil Massage:Top 10 Home Remedies indicates that an olive oil massage will not only repair skin tone and texture but can also improve the appearance of sagging breasts. The olive oil is rich in antioxidants that can repair the damage caused by free radicals. Simply massage your breasts with olive oil for 15 minutes a few times per week.
3.Good Posture: The way that you carry your body through the day can significantly impact the appearance of your chest. According to an article from Organic Facts,hunching your shoulders offers no support for your breasts. Instead, your breasts droop with the shape of your body, which greatly contributes to the dreaded sag. You can help reduce sag by standing up straight and pushing your shoulders back.
4.Ice: Search Home Remedy says that ice can firm the breast and tone the skin. Simply rub a cube of ice on your breasts in circular motions. To avoid numbness, don’t exceed one minute.
5.Egg Whites: The astringent and skin-toning properties found in egg whites prove to be beneficial for drooping breasts. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, the hydro-lipids present in the egg also work to lift loose skin. To use, spread beaten, foamy egg whites on the breasts and let sit for 30 minutes before washing away.
6.Aloe Vera: Search Home Remedy says that massaging with aloe vera works to improve blood circulation and strengthen the connective tissues. To use, massage the gel into the skin in an upward motion for 15 minutes.
7.Essential Oils: Organic Facts indicates that a variety of essential oils can tighten and tone sagging skin. A few of the most beneficial oils include lemongrass, carrot, cypress, and spearmint. The article warns to use the oils sparingly, as sometimes they can cause a burning sensation.
8.Cucumber Skin Mask: Cucumber works to firm skin and naturally lifts the breasts, according to toSearch Home Remedy. Mix a ground cucumber with egg, butter, and natural cream. Allow the mixture to cool overnight before applying it to your breasts.


Your breasts naturally become less perky as you age, when the skin covering them begins to lose elasticity and the breast tissue succumbs to gravity. Pregnancy, hormonal changes, and fluctuations in body weight also affect the shape, size and perkiness of your breasts.

While surgery is the only way to truly tighten and lift the breasts, lifestyle changes such as maintaining your weight through a healthy diet and exercise and targeting the muscles beneath the breasts with weight-bearing exercises can help improve the appearance of sagging breasts and prevent further drooping.
1.Exercises: Exercising is one of the best ways to correct a saggy bustline and repair connective tissue and muscles around the breasts. According to Search Home Remedy, these exercises are among the most effective:


Monday 5 June 2017

These 6 Workouts Help You Prevent Hunched Shoulders

The better posture workout is divided into three parts. First stretches to warm up. These 8 stretches will prepare your body to start the better posture workout.
Second part is the better posture workout that will help you stand tall and prevent possible hunched shoulders. There are 6 workouts in this routine each 45 seconds long. You take a break of 15 seconds in between each exercise.
Third and last part consists of stretches once again. There are 7 stretches to complete this workout.

Stretches to warm up

  1. Shoulder rolls 20 seconds
  2. Head Nods 20 seconds
  3. Head Turns 20 seconds
  4. Head Tilts 20 seconds
  5. Head Rolls 20 seconds
  6. Small Arm Circles 20 seconds
  7. Big arm Circles 20 seconds
  8. Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds

Toning Posture Workout

  1. Tripod Rows 45 Seconds each side
  2. Bird Dog 45 seconds
  3. Tripod Fly 45 seconds each side
  4. Modified Back Bow 45 seconds
  5. Up and Over Press 45 Seconds
  6. Bent Over Ventral Raise 45 Seconds

Stretches for Better Posture

  1. Front Arm Swings 20 seconds
  2. Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds
  3. Wall Chest Stretch 20 seconds
  4. Overhead Toe Touch 20 seconds
  5. Downward Dog 20 seconds
  6. Cobra Stretch 20 seconds
  7. Child’s Pose 20 seconds
Here are the video instructions for these better posture workout that will help you to prevent hunched shoulders.
Please do not skip the stretches and use the dumbbells weights with which you feel comfortable. You can start with 2-3kg dumbbells.