Sunday 25 June 2017


  1. Burpees
These are better than bike sprints. Do 10 burpees in a minute, and you’ll burn 14 calories. This exercise is great for your metabolism as well.
  1. Kettlebell swing
You need a few minutes to do it, but it will help you burn 10 calories in a minute. Everyone can do it, so just add it to your workout routine.
  1. Fat tire biking
This may be a tough one to do, because it’s not easy to control those large tires of the bicycle.  You will burn 25 calories in a minute while doing this exercise.
  1. Cross-fit exercises
These include several exercises, and some of them may be too tough for beginners. But, work on your own routine, and pick three of them. Do these regularly, and you will soon notice an improvement.
  1. Jumping rope
It’s fun and effective. What else can you ask for? It’s a medium-intensity exercise, and you will burn 13 calories in a minute by doing it. All you have to do is aim for 100 skips in a minute. Fitness gurus say this is a “complete” exercise.
  1. Battling ropes
Researchers found that this exercise is the optimal for your total oxygen consumption, and that’s not the case with other exercises.
  1. Jump squats
Jump squats are super-efficient when it comes to burning fat. Do these, and you’ll burn 14 calories in 20 seconds.
  1. Indoor rowing
Intense rowing will help you burn 375 calories in 30 minutes. Do this exercise to tone and tighten the muscles in your arms and shoulders.
  1. Cross-country skiing
It’s better than running, and it helps you burn more calories than your morning jog.

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