Thursday 22 June 2017

How to Get Dimples Naturally: The Only Way

Dimples are small folds or indentations in the fleshy part of the cheek. Dimples are caused by a minor muscle deformity which cause the skin of the cheek to draw tightly as it moves, creating external divots. This adorable facial feature is usually a genetically-inherited trait. However, people born without natural dimples can successfully mimic their appearance through a variety of methods ranging from the simple (makeup) to the drastic (surgery). See Step 1 below to get started on your own set of dimples.

Method 1: Performing Dimple Exercises

Pucker your lips and suck your cheeks in.To start exercising your cheek muscles, make a face as though you just ate a lemon or something remarkably sour. Your lips should be in a slight pucker or pout and your cheeks should be partially sucked in. Your teeth should not be clenched together, as this can prevent you from sucking your cheeks in, but your lips do need to be closed.

  • Note – this method is a folk remedy. In other words, it’s not supported by any sort of scientific evidence, but rather by vague, unverifiable, anecdotal evidence. Thus, it is not guaranteed to work.
  • Your cheeks should naturally indent inward, with the deepest part of the indentation resting in between your top and bottom teeth, roughly halfway between the front and back of your mouth.
  • Try eating or drinking something sour if you have a hard time imagining the appropriate facial expression – your natural reaction to sourness is what this exercise is imitating.

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