Tip: Try a weekly restorative practice of some kind, Weaver advises, ‘One of the best ways to activate your PNS is by lengthening your exhalation, and Tai Chi, yoga and Pilates all help you do that’.
Failing that, upon waking and before bed try taking 10-20 breaths in for a count of four and out for a count of 6-8, it’s instantly calming.

5. Emotions

“The question I love to ask my clients is ‘Why do you do what you do when you know what you know?’” says Weaver.
“It’s not a lack of education that leads someone to polish off a packet of chocolate biscuits after dinner, it’s a subconscious feeling of ‘I am not enough.’ So what’s going on?”
“At work, my clients are living between polarities of acceptance versus rejection, successes versus failure based on all the little interactions of their day. Then, whether it’s been lousy meetings, something they interpreted badly or a heated exchange – or all of the above – they show up at home at night, their emotions are in chaos and they want a way to feel whole again.
“If food is their thing – as it is for so many people – they’ll end up with the contents of the pantry in their stomachs,” Weaver says.
Tip: If  tempted to eat to numb negative emotions, try mindfulness practices to help you feel the feelings and acknowledge that the feelings themselves can’t hurt you and will eventually go away – but binging can by thwarting your weight loss efforts.